December 1st, 2016


When families, individuals, veterans and unaccompanied youth are in housing crisis or find themselves food insecure, where do they turn?

They turn to Northwest Compass. Why?

Northwest Compass strives to be effective in the provision of services to our neighbors in crisis in and around the Northwest suburbs. Our neighbors know that they’ll be treated like real people
by dedicated, compassionate professionals in a warm, caring environment.

We are so grateful to you for helping to support our mission of helping our neighbors turn crisis into opportunity. You are helping our staff touch the lives of thousands—whether our neighbors are facing dire circumstances in new and unfamiliar territory, or seeking to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families. Northwest Compass wants to be a community resource. We exist to serve our neighbors in crisis—to provide hope and a path to empowerment.

Your gift is extremely important because it offers immediate resources that are directed to current needs and opportunities in the community. For example, a gift of $500 will help make an immediate impact on urgently needed services for our neighbors in the areas of housing support, care for our veterans including respite, emergency food security and assisting homeless young adults. We serve our
homeless, hungry and our heroes!

Our board, staff, volunteers and interns—everyone here who works to serve our community, joins
me in thanking you for your generous partnership and support.

Your donation is helping to create a safe environment for our neighbors from which they can create a path to a positive future for themselves and their families. Thank you so much for your support. Without the support of a caring community, we would not be able to continue helping our neighbors turn crisis into opportunity.

Please Donate Now


For More Information
Download the flyer: pdf-iconAnnual Appeal

Dr. Cheryl Novas, PhD
Northwest Compass, Managing Director, Partnership & Development
+1 847 637 0969
[email protected]

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Every journey begins with a single step. Take the first step and visit us today to see how we help our neighbors in and around the Northwest suburbs o…

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